Thursday, May 19, 2022

The Future of Reproduction

In the past, reproduction was for some a struggle. With medical expertise and over technology, birth rates for the infertile were lower, with many miscarriages and stillbirths and many couples remain infertile.  However, with our modern-day knowledge, we have achieved new levels of possibilities. Today is the future of reproduction potentially, resulting to increase in population for those who wish.

One extraordinary advance we made is the creation of Vitro fertilization.

Not only does it principally help infertile men and women get a chance to birth one of their blood, but it also gives opportunities to lesbian and gay men to start their own biological families. With Vitro fertilization, embryos are incubated from 3-6 days in the laboratory with their parent’s DNA and then carefully transferred to the woman’s uterus. If a lesbian couple wants a baby, they can use this method or artificial insemination to get one of them pregnant, while for gay men, they can acquire a surrogate mother to aid them.

Even transgender males can have a baby if their ovaries and uterus are still present. With the help of technology, an embryo can still be formed and transferred to his uterus. Even though he stopped the testosterone for this process, he can return to his androgens once the baby is born if he is not planning to breastfeed. The world is constantly gaining knowledge, resulting in even the first penis transplantation in the United States.

What comes next is the question. The future of reproduction may lie in “genetic engineering,” With how fast technology evolves, this is entirely possible. Soon, humans can take specific genes and remove them using the CRISPR – Cas9 technique. With this technique, we can remove the chances of inheriting a family illness and improve the child’s health.

The purpose of technology is to aid humankind, and so far, we have been advancing at newfound speeds in the field of reproduction. Soon, many other things will be possible, increasing our knowledge today and creating a new future of reproduction. The consequences will only be known in time.

by Barry Verkauf  

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